5 Tips to Follow for Your Post Lockdown Travel

With the lockdown rules slowly easing out and all of us about to return to our life again, many of us have already started planning for vacations and travels. As we have all come to know that post-lockdown travel won’t be the same again.

And to ensure your safety, here are someimportant tips that you must adhere to when booking your Delhi to Colombo flights or any other international flights.

  • Do an Extensive Research

Researching on your holidays and vacations have proved essential and useful. With COVID-19 restrictions easing out gradually, it always counts to check on your preferred cafes, bars, public monuments and see if they are open for travellers. You wouldn’t want to visit them sans any knowledge, only to be turned away.

Also, check through your travel destinations’ social media pages, council, and tourism guidelines to ensure that they are entertaining foreign and domestic travellers and are not adhering to any kind of ban.

  • Ensure to Maintain Flexibility

Keeping your options open is a good idea at any given time, but especially during post-lockdown. Check for travel options and hotels that provide free cancellation and or free changes, so you do not have to spend sleepless nights planning for alterations. You can also consider searching for hotels with options like ‘Book Now and Pay Later’, to avoid paying unless you have checked in.

  • Double-Check on Sanitizing Your Hands

We dream of a COVID-19 free country someday, but even if there are no more cases of the coronavirus infection, hand hygiene must always be looked into. No wonder, hand sanitizers have been made as to the super-product of the year-2020. You might already be carrying a bottle in your purse, but it is always good to slide in a couple more before you start your trip.

  • Take the Road if Possible

Road trips are an excellent and safe option for travel mode post lockdown. They are always fun to think of, especially post-pandemic, when there is a shortage of Colombo to Delhi flights. Never mind, if you don’t own a car, you can always rent one. One of the best parts about road trips is that they are flexible, and you can always travel safely with no worries of physical contact with strangers.

  • Make a List of Essentials for Packing

Packing for flights to Colombo or any other place post lockdown is essential. Take all the important medications that you might require during your trip. Some other essentials that you must pack are:

  • Face masks
  • Thermometer
  • An alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Disinfectant wipes

Despite meticulous travel planning, you might want to reconsider your trip if you feel sick. Never compromise on anything else, if you feel unwell, and always go for cancelling the trip and seek immediate medical help. For those who are all determined to board the Colombo to Delhi flights, check through all these considerations and factors before starting your trip.